News of the Author
News 2018
Courses in 2018
April 2018
Faroes Islands: Guest lessons at the Vinnuháskúlin Maskinmesterskolen in Torshavn. The students of the school use our new gas- an dual-fuel engine books. Two mornings guest lessons for the students and one morning for the industry. This is the first school that purchase the gas-and duel-fuel engine books for all their students.

On the background the Vinnuháskúlin Maskinmesterskolen on top of the hill.
June 2018
Bremerhaven, Germany: On board of the container vessel “Manila Maersk” for the special layout of the engine room, two low speed crosshead engines and one Waste Heat Recovery System, placed between the port side and starboard side main engine.
Length/Beam 399/58 m
Gross Tonnage 214.286
Kees Kuiken, author and publisher of gas, dual-fuel and diesel-engine books with his eldest son Christiaan, Chief officer Maersk in front of one of the main engines.
The Waste Heat Recovery System, WHRS, of the “Manila Maersk” with from left to right the Power Turbine, The Steam Turbine and the Electrical Generator.
Courses 2018-2021
November 2018
Gas- and dual-fuel engines for ship propulsion and powerplants for service engineers.
Two courses: Four days each at MaK Bolier, Dordrecht, the Netherlands.
January 2019
Rotating Equipment Gasunie NV, the Netherlands.
Gas-engines, gas-turbines, reciprocating- and centrifugal- compressors and electrically driven centrifugal compressors. Technical operators.
One course, five days.
September 2021
Rotating Equipment – Gas engines – Gasturbines – Centrifugal Compressors – Reciprocating compressors and Electrical Driven Centrifugal Compressors.
Gasunie NV. The Netherlands.
Compressor Station Ommen.
Two courses four days
September 2021
Two courses: Dual-fuel engines for ship propulsion, fuel-LNG.
BMT – Amsterdam – Rotterdam – Antwerp.
Two day course at Papendrecht for technical experts.

Kees, Christiaan, Niels and Truus Kuiken at the chamber of Commerce, Groningen. December 2012
Christiaan Kuiken, dual maritime officer will take care of the new technical developments in the maritime field. Niels Kuiken is responsible for the website, logistics and stores. Truus Kuiken will continue with the administration and customer service and Kees Kuiken will publish new items and a gas engine book in Juni 2016.
Gas- and dual-fuel engine book for Ship propulsion, powerplants and cogeneration.
The first customer is the training centre of MAN Diesel & Turbo Copenhagen.